Runtime Verification website hero
Runtime Verification website hero
Runtime Verification website heroRuntime Verification website hero

Take Your Security to the Next Level

Instead of paying researchers to look for bugs, verify your smart contracts are bug-free with formal verification.
We explore all possible behaviors of the code, to give you the highest possible assurance.
Ship FAST with continous integration of proofs, and outsource the compute to us using K as a Service (Kaas).

Learn About Our Impact on Web3 Security

We have been auditing smart contracts since 2018 and love sharing what we learn. Browse our articles and learn about web3 security from one of the most experienced teams in crypto.



Borderless Capital
Fenbushi Capital
Maven 11
Tezos Foundation (Investor)
Wave Financial


Contact Us

Your Information *

What kind of a request do you have? *

What services are you interested in? *

Project description *

What is your ecosystem? *

What is your approximate deadline for completing this work? *

How many lines of code do you need audited? *

What is your approximate budget in USD?

Have you used any tools for testing?

Has this code been audited before?

Are you able to share a link to your repository?