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We’ve been asked many questions. This page has a few of the answers. If you would like to interview people on our Team, please use the form.

How To Get Security Under Kontrol by Palina Tolmach

Using symbolic execution to increase smart contract security

At the forefront of ZK panel with Grigore Rosu (Runtime Verification) and Alp Bassa (Veridise)

Deep Dive into Formal Verification with Palina Tolmach

X Day Bucharest 2023 - ZK Rollups on MultiversX by Grigore Rosu

Istanbul, November 2023 - What did I learn by testing ERC-20?

Pi^2 — Universal Proof Systems - Grigore Rosu

TrustX November 2023 - The Symbolic Solidity Debugger by Raoul Schafranek

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - Pi2, Proof of Proof

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - VLSMs and the Muddy Children Puzzle (2)

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - VLSMs and the Muddy Children Puzzle (1)

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - A slice of Pi2

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - MX Property Verification

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - Kontrol, symbolic execution for Solidity

Working Workshops Bucharest October 2023 - The State of K

xDay by MultiversX - ZK Rollups on MultiversX by Grigore Rosu (04:06:07)

ETH Chicago 2023 - ERCx, Fast Checking of ERC standards and Beyond

IOSG OFR Singapore Talk | Komprehensive Approach to Smart Contract Security

OFR Paris | Generative World Architecture - QED: Universal Proof Systems. ZK for AI/ML & Blockchain by Grigore Rosu (23:39)

Multichain ERC20 - Fireside Chat: Order Flow Auctions and Credible Commitments (with Juan Conejero)

Multichain ERC20 - Security™: Auditing / Formal Methods by Juan Conejero

DeFi security Summit 2023 - Session 14: Formal Verification Panel (with Grigore Rosu)

DeFi security Summit 2023 - Session 14: Formal Verification by Palima Tolmach

EthCC - ERCx, Fast Checking of ERC standards and Beyond by Yliès Falcone

Blockchain Workshop Bucharest March 2023 - Optimizing the symbolic execution of KEVM by Ana Pantilie

Blockchain Workshop Bucharest March 2023 -K+SNARKs: Universal Truth Framework by Grigore Rosu

Blockchain Workshop Bucharest March 2023 - Panel: Challenges and Opportunities in Blockchain

Blockchain Workshop Bucharest March 2023 - K IDE by Radu Mereuta

Blockchain Workshop Bucharest March 2023 - Smart contract tooling using KEVM by Andrei Vacaru

Certora workshop - K Tutorial by Everett Hildenbrandt

IOSG OFR Denver - Universal Truth Framework by Grigore Rosu

IOSG OFR Denver - Panel: Security Life Cycle

Multichain ERC20 - Formal Verification and Security Panel

Multichain ERC20 - Universal Truth Framework By Grigore Rosu

Multichain ERC20 Spotlight Interview - Grigore Rosu

Multichain ERC20 Spotlight Interview - Everett Hildenbrandt

X Day - Universal Trust Framework by Grigore Rosu (4:42:24)

Arepas, Cumbia & Security - Panel about best security practices

Arepas, Cumbia & Security: Testing to Verification by Everett Hildenbrandt

Devcon Bogotá - Tackling Rounding Errors with Precision Analysis by Raoul Schaffranek

Devcon Bogotá - Formal Methods for the Working DeFi Dev by Rikard Hjort

DeFi Security Summit 2022 - Formal Verification of Foundry Tests

TrustX - Panel: Secure Coding

Runtime Verification - Security Techniques & Formal Verification for Developers @ Multichain ETH

Decipher | Best Practices for Securing Algorand’s Smart Contracts

Privacy and Security in DeFi

Whiteboard Series with NEAR | Ep: 39 Rikard Hjort from Runtime Verification

DefiSummer hackathon | K Framework for DeFi Projects

0xHack | K Framework for Smart Contract Formal Verification

Hello Decentralization // 22nd - 26th February, 2021 - Crowdcast

Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #8 | Bringing K Powered Blockchain Security to Tezos

Hello Smart Audit 2021 | K Powered Blockchain Security

TruffleCon 2020 | Everett Hildenbrandt | Firefly: Smart Contract Quality Assurance

TruffleCon 2020 | Everett Hildenbrandt | How to use Firefly to enhance your Truffle test suite

CPP 2020 New Orleans Keynote | Matching Logic: The Foundation of the K Framework

Rikard Hjort | Formal Verification and Smart Contracts

CPH FinTech Week 2019 Keynote | Formal Design, Implementation and Verification of Blockchain Languages

CPH FinTech Week 2019 Panel | From Blockchain Infrastructure to Decentralised Applications

Prof. Grigore Rosu | IEEE ICBC Seoul 2019 Keynote

Prof. Grigore Rosu | Inspirations Behind The K framework

Microsoft Research 2019 | Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

Microsoft Research 2016 | Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

IOHK | Formal Design, Implementation and Verification | Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

IOHK | K framework and Cardano | Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

IOHK | Semantics Based Compilation - IELE Testnet | Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

IOHK | Runtime Verification | Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

Webcast with Prof. Grigore Rosu - CEO of Runtime Verification

Webcast: The K framework - a framework to formally define all programming languages

IOHK | KEVM Presentation | Everett Hildenbrandt - Formal Modelling Engineer at Runtime Verification

An introduction to K Lab (developed by DappHub) | Everett Hildenbrandt - Formal Modelling Engineer at Runtime Verification

What is IELE? | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

What is KEVM? | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

K for KEVM and IELE | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

KEVM and IELE performance | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

Writing and reading IELE programs | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

Supported features in the Solidity to IELE compiler | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

Secure code on Solidity to IELE compiler | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.

Supported features in the Solidity to IELE compiler | Grigore Rosu - CEO Runtime Verification Inc.