Test your Hoon code in Hoon.
Faster and more thoroughly.

Start Here
- Write your Hoon app
- Install %quiz
- Run tests with random inputs
Install with Dojo
> |merge %my-dev-desk ~mister-dister-bithex-topnym %quiz, =gem %take-this
> +my-dev-desk!quiz !> |=(a=@ =((dec +(a)) a))
Install manually
- Go to https://github.com/hjorthjort/quiz and copy the contents of the lib/ and gen/ directories into your desk.
- Look at https://github.com/hjorthjort/quiz/tree/main/tests/lib/quiz-tutorial.hoon for examples of how to use %quiz with unit tests.
Symbolic execution for Nock%quiz
Property testing with random inputs in HoonKNock + %quiz
Formally verify the correctness of your program with your regular %quiz testsintegrations
pyro, Uqbar